20 junho 2020

inglês 2C

Nome:                                                             serie


Atividade do 2° bimestre de  Inglês 2C             

Data da entrega de 22 de junho a 3 de julho

Observação responder somente as questões que estão traduzidas,pois as outra faremos assim que retornarmos.

a)            Leia   o  texto a seguir  e faça  anotações  das  informações    importantes  relacionadas a Pegada   Ecológica.


Definition: the Ecological Footprint - EF of a particular population is defined as the total “area of productive land and water ecosystems required to produce the resouces that the population consumes and assimilates the wastes that the prodution produces, wherever on Earth that land and water may be located” (Rees, 2000).

In other words, it measures how much nature we have and how much nature we use.

Important: it helps to measure the demand for and the supply of nature, and to understand the impact on the Earth.

The Ecological Footprint tracks the use of six categories of productive surface are- as: cropland, grazing land, fishing grounds, built-up land, forest area, and car- bon demand on land.

Adapted from Ewing B., D. Moore, S. Goldfinger, A. Oursler, A.Reed, and M. Wackernagel. 2010. The Ecological Footprint Atlas 2010. Oakland: Global Footprint Network.

b)  Compare your notes with your partner. EXAMPLES:

Caixa de Texto: •	It says that the Ecological Footprint of a population is 	.
•	The text says that there are six categories of productive surface areas.
•	Consumption is 	and consumerism is 	.


c)            In pairs, interview people from your community/school and fill out the table below.


How do you affect the Environment?


1. Food Habit

Are you a...?



    Regular meat eater

    Heavy meat eater


2. Vacation Your vacation destination is...

    Close to home

    Short distance away

    Long flight away


3. Type of food

The main type of food consumed is...

    Mostly fresh, locally grown

    Mix of fresh and convenience

    Mostly convenience


4. Type of reading How many newspapers or magazines do you buy or get delivered each week?

    More than 20

    Between 10 and 20

    Between 1 and 10



5. Furniture

How much furniture, machines and gadgets do you purchase each year?

    More than 7

    Between 5 and 7

    Between 3 and 5

    Less than 3

    Hardly any, or second hand


6. House

What type of house do you live in?

    Large sized house

    Medium sized house

    Small sized house

    Flat/ apartment


7. Family

How many people do you live with?

    No other person

    One other person

    Two other people

    Three other people

    Four other people

    Five other people

    More than five people


8. Publicity

What kind of advertising do you have more contact with?


    Announcement in print


    Eletronic media

a)            In groups, get the information collected in your group and elaborate a graph to show your data (a pie graph, a line graph, a bar graph or a combo graph-line and bar-), etc.

b)            Make a presentation explaining how people affect the enviroment. Use your graph to illustrate your presentation.



De uma olhada na imagem abaixo, tente descobrir a mensagem. Em seguida, escreva suas anotações em seu caderno.

Leia o texto abaixo e tente descobrir os aspectos do consumismo que precisam de mudanças e anote em seu caderno.


According to UN, about one third of the food produced for human consumption each year is lost or wasted. When it comes to consumers, households consume 29 per cent of global energy and contri- bute to 21 per cent of resultant CO2 emissions. There are many aspects of consumption that with simple changes can have a big impact on the environment. Urgent action is needed to ensure that current material needs, do not lead to over-extraction of resources and further degradation of the environment. There are some of the current consumption and production patterns that need to chan- ge. Taking the consumption into consideration, being thoughtful about what we buy and choosing a sustainable option whenever possible can be some of these changes. Making informed purcha- ses about what we’re buying, as an example: the textile industry today is the second largest polluter of clean water after agriculture, and many fashion companies exploit textile workers in the develo- ping world. If you can buy from sustainable and local sources, you can make a difference, as well as exercising pressure on businesses to adopt sustainable practices, being an example to be followed. Reducing your waste and being thoughtful about what you buy and choosing a sustai- nable option whenever possible can also cause a huge impact on the environment.

a)            Share your findings to each other.


St. A:

1.  There are some important consumption changes 

that may cause an impact on the environment such

 as and .

2.  There are some criteria we can use when we

 make choices about buying things, such as       .


St. B:

I agree with you. We can make a difference. We can

 cause a huge impact on the envi- ronment.

Buying from                    and    can also have an

 impact on the environment.




a)            No seu cadesno, anote palavras ou idéias relacionadas à sociedade de consumo.

           De uma olhada no anúncio abaixo:

a)            Leia o anúncio e responda as perguntas em seu cadreno:


     Quais elementos verbal e nao verbal, chamaram sua atenção?

     Você compraria o produto anunciado?

     Você ofereceria o produto para outra pessoa?


b)            Compare your answers.





a)            Pesquise na internet  informaões sobre os produtos mais consumidos;

b)            Descubra quais são as marcas mais mencionadas entre os produtos.

c)            Tente encontrar os anuncios mais famosos da marca ou influenciadores digitais

d)            Elabore uma apresentaçao (post etc) para mostra suas descobertas aos seus colegas.



a)            In pairs or groups, recall all you have studied, and prepare a Consciousness Campaign about consumption, consumerism and the impact of the increasing of pollution.


u     Identify the kind and support of your campaign. It is possible to do a podcast or a classroom video on your mobile device, etc. Discuss with the teacher and friends about the kind of presentation you prefer. Do your best!


u     Plan how to reach your target public; i.e. where, when, who will get the information.


u Identify forms to sensitize your target public, i.e. colors, types of letters, persuasive sentences, images and, think if it will be practical, effective, persuasive and easy to develop and to implement in your community.


u     Consider including information about:


The impact of consumerism and pollution in the environment; how media influences consumerism; why people are so influenced by media announces; what is possible to do to change consumerism.

a)            Share your campaign with your classmates. Take notes of their suggestions.

b)            Evaluate the is suggestions and make the final version of the campaign.

c)            Share your campaign with the whole school.

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